Technical Presentations

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2 presentations for PV power plant:

Experiences in modeling PV plants for grid operators. What is next?

Author(s): Rodrigo Bernal
Type:PDF Presentation
Downloaded: 6
Date: 2022-07-21

* 0 vote(s)

Experiences in modeling PV plants for grid operators. What is next?

This presentation shows a summary of EMT modelling experiences of PV power plants according to different grid operator requirements. Depending on the study that is demanded, aggregated or disaggregate... see more

Tag(s): PV power plant, average value model, PLL model, power oscillation, voltage oscillation

TOV for renewable, evaluating three different grounding technologies

Author(s): Diego F. Rodríguez - GERS
Type:Technical Presentation
Date: 2021-06-17

* 1 vote(s)

TOV for renewable, evaluating three different grounding technologies

Temporary overvoltages (TOV) are oscillatory overvoltages mainly caused by switching or faults, which are of relatively long duration and undamped or slightly damped. Maximum overvoltages under faulte... see more

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